

Other Names: Yellow Nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus

Type: Warm-Season Perennial Grass-Like Weed

Appearance: Nutsedge has triangular stems, glossy green leaves arranged in sets of three, and distinctive yellow or purple-brown flower spikes. It often stands taller than surrounding turfgrasses and is commonly found in moist or poorly drained areas.

Risk: Nutsedge can quickly spread in lawns, forming dense patches and creating an uneven surface. Its ability to reproduce through tubers and seeds makes it a persistent and challenging weed.

Timing: Nutsedge becomes most noticeable during the warm seasons, typically from late spring to early fall. It thrives in temperatures between 75F to 95F.

Outlook: Due to its extensive tuber system and prolific seed production, Nutsedge can be challenging to control. Effective management measures are crucial to prevent its spread.

How to Control Nutsedge

Managing this weed effectively requires a combination of preventative measures and quick treatment.


Take action before this weed appears on your lawn by following best lawn care practices, especially focusing on:

  • Improve Drainage: Addressing soil drainage issues can reduce the favorable conditions for Nutsedge.
  • Regular Mowing: Regular mowing prevents Nutsedge from reaching maturity and producing seeds.


If you find this weed on your lawn, it’s best to take action immediately. Working with a lawn care professional is most effective, but you can also try these DIY options:

  • Selective Herbicides: Apply selective herbicides labeled for Nutsedge control. These herbicides specifically target Nutsedge while preserving the health of the surrounding grass.
  • Tuber Removal: In areas with limited infestations, manually removing Nutsedge and its tubers can be effective.

Green Image Lawn Care Knows All About Nutsedge

When dealing with nutsedge, trust Green Image Lawn Care to bring their extensive experience in weed control. Our experts understand the nuances of this invader and employ human- and environmentally-friendly methods for effective control. Contact us today for personalized solutions tailored to your lawn’s needs.

Need Help with Nutsedge?

Call Green Image Lawn Care today at 717-900-8144 and let's talk about how we can help you with Nutsedge and other lawn weeds.